Trying New Things - Minneapolis

What do you think of when you think of Minnesota?  The Vikings? The Polar Vortex?  Those are probably the two things that popped into my head when people would mention Minnesota, but mostly because I had never visited the state.  Well, that has since changed as I have a new work project and have been traveling to Minneapolis quite frequently.  After I mapped the closest Whole Foods, I started to explore gyms around my hotel.  The closest one was a place called “Fly Feet.” I checked out their website and their tag line of “the ultimate all-out workout designed to get you fitter, faster, stronger – together” definitely made me want to give it a try.

The class I signed up for initially was “Tread and Shred.” It is a HIIT class with time split between tread mills and strength exercises.  Think Orangetheory but no rowers so a lot more time on the treadmills.  After my first class, I was in love.  I sweat my ass off doing treadmill intervals on both the flat treadmill and inclines paired with kettlebell squats, swings, and pull-ups.  I could not wait to go back.  So I did, the next day, and the next day, and every time since when I come back to Minneapolis.  The workouts are never the same and I love that I always get a few miles in. It is a great way to get in a killer workout when it is 8 degrees outside.

Morgan McNeal