Keep Improving

You should always be improving

Whether it’s your 5K race time, how much weight you can deadlift, how many pull-ups you can do or how long you can hold a handstand - your fitness improvement plan should always be oriented around achievable goals.

I often find myself trying to improve on everything at once, which leads to improvements on nothing.

So this year I’m trying a different approach.

I’m fine tuning my list of “Things I Want to Improve.”

Here are my 5 fitness goals, with an end goal date of 12/31/23 at 11:59 p.m.:

  1. 5 Strict Pull-Ups (Currently I can do 1.5)

  2. 1 Bar Muscle Up (Currently I can do 0)

  3. Deadlift 300 lbs (Currently I can do 245 lbs) - 1 rep

  4. Power clean 150 lbs (Currently I can do 120 lbs) - 1 rep

  5. Back Squat 205 lbs (Currently I can do 170 lbs) - 1 rep

How am I planning on achieving ALL these?

Using an app called Performance Plus - I am setting milestones and building strength along the way.

The app is designed to help you work towards whatever fitness goals you have. Currently, I’m doing the “Get your first bar muscle-up” program which lasts for 35 days and has exercises 4 days per week. Then, I will move on to “Pull-Up Endurance” which also lasts for 35 days and has exercises 4 days per week. All of these plans are extremely structured & help me work on the areas I need to improve.

What are your health goals for this year? And how are you planning to reach them?

Morgan McNealComment