Only 12% of Americans Have a Healthy Metabolism - Are YOU one of them?
Most of us get our blood taken once a year and blood glucose is reported. We fast for 12 hours and as long as the number is below 100, doctor says we are good to go. Well, most of us are not good to go.
A recent study showed only 12% of Americans are metabolically healthy - one aspect of being metabolically healthy is indicated by small glucose spikes which shows our bodies process the glucose it is given is processed efficiently and effectively. One interesting thing too is that even “normal weight” individuals were not metabolically healthy!
As I embarked on my CGM (continuous glucose monitor) experiment with my Levels CGM and started to see different numbers throughout the day, I wondered if the numbers I was seeing were good, bad, normal, etc. Was I included in that elite 12%? I BETTER BE!!
Week 1 & 2 Recap using the Levels CGM
Applying the CGM was extremely easy. I unpacked the applicator and just pressed it into my arm - EASY PEASY. Downloaded two different apps on my phone and within an hour, my phone app was telling me my blood glucose by just holding my phone up to the sensor on my arm- so freakin cool.
On Days 1-4, I scanned my sensor about every 30 minutes because I was super excited to see what my levels were right after I woke up, ate, exercised. You are not required to scan your sensor that often, you can scan every 8 hours to ensure your data is synced with the app. Every time you eat, you take a picture of your meal with a short description and it will input it into the Levels app. After 2-3 hours, your meal will be given a score from 0-10. 10 being optimal (minimal glucose response) and 0 being poor (large glucose response). The score is a composite of glucose rise from baseline, height of the glucose peak, and recovery time back to baseline, all of which are associated with metabolic health. In addition to the zone scores for each meal, you receive a daily metabolic score (out of 100%). The metabolic score is a rating of your daily glucose patterns and looks at median and variability throughout the day.
For exercise, the app syncs to the Apple Watch and it will import your workouts. Depending on the intensity of the workout, your glucose levels may rise and this is okay because your body is tapping into your fuel sources. This does not negatively affect your metabolic score for the day.
Week 1
Metabolic Score = 82%
Zone Score = 8
Worst Scoring Meal: 6/10 - Chicken Fajita Salad with Sweet Potatoes (Local Mexican Restaurant)
Blood Glucose Peak: 137 mg/dl
Week 2
Metabolic Score = 77%
Zone Score = 7
Worst Scoring Meal: 1/10 - Paleo granola with oat milk
Blood Glucose Peak: 169 mg/dl
As I am learning what foods cause my blood sugar to spike, I am going to continue to test various foods in weeks 3 and 4. What will wine do? Different fruits? Processed foods?
What are your thoughts on CGMs? Would you be interested in wearing one for a month? Why or Why Not?